Craig Lee

Craig Lee

“By forcing us to change from gas to electric, we will have to sell our house. And if we sell our house, we’re gonna move out of state, pure and simple. 

We have natural gas installed in our home. It’s clean and cheap. We run our furnaces, hot water tanks, dryer, and kitchen range all on natural gas. 

Being retired now, I’m on a fixed income. 

So with this ban that they signed, although they say ‘oh no, we’re not going to ban it,’ the nuances and the laws are there to move towards total elimination, which would cost me between $40,000-50,000 to replace everything with electric appliances.

On a fixed retired income, I don’t have that kind of money.

If I have to move, I will, because I can’t afford to make that change.

And that’s what I’ve been trying to tell the Governor. I sent him letters and emails letting him know that we can’t afford that. 

There’s just no consideration to the decisions that are being made, and how they’re impacting individual lives.” 

Craig Lee
Lynnwood, Washington

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