Op-ed: Activist judge and Inslee appointee overturns the people on I-2066, natural gas can now be banned
The Lynnwood Times has published an op-ed from Brian Heywood, founder of Let’s Go Washington, regarding the legal proceedings surrounding 1-2066, which overturned the state’s ban on natural gas.
Under one party rule in Olympia, over the past 12 years, it has become custom for judges to step down before their term is up so the governor can appoint a successor and then the new judge can run as an incumbent with all the benefits that accrue. In WA state that means running virtually unchallenged and unopposed and an almost sure win should some fool dare to challenge the overlord patronage system.
This is true of our “legal hero“ Judge Winland. Her predecessor stepped down in March of 2018 magically before her term was up and Gov. Jay Miscreant Inslee appointed Winland to the position on the King county superior court.
The proceedings today were a legal challenge brought against I-2066, You will remember that 2066 gathered the second most signatures ever for an initiative in WA state history. Effectively, the initiative prevents the state from making natural gas illegal. Protecting those in snow country, in times of electrical power outages, and those who cannot afford to upgrade all the appliances in their home, It also protects Indian Food, Chinese Food, Japanese Food, Mexican Food and most anything else with decent flavor that relies on natural gas. Don’t get me started on BBQ.
Read the full article at the Lynnwood Times.