Election ballots arriving soon: Opportunity to continue year of historic change

Election ballots arriving soon: Opportunity to continue year of historic change

Largely spurred by seven citizen-led initiatives from Let’s Go Washington, voters in our state have made their voices heard and changed laws and policy outcomes in a way previously unheard of in Washington.

During the legislative session, lawmakers were constitutionally obligated to act on the initiatives – by either making them law immediately or leaving it to voters to decide on the general election ballot. Unsurprisingly, these initiatives forced some lawmakers to confront and admit the unpopularity of several laws passed over recent years, so some legislators desperately wanted to ignore them.

But so many people called, emailed, and attended rallies, that it forced the majority party to act on three initiatives. Three of those initiatives – restoring police pursuit, parental notification, and a ban on a state income – are all now law.

Additionally, public outcry and activism stopped several other terrible policies from becoming law, including a massive property tax hike, statewide rent control, a ban on small gas motors, and allowing convicted murderers to serve on juries.

In years past, these bills would have sailed through, but not in 2024, thanks to people like you.

The biggest opportunity, however, is still in front of us. On your general election ballot, you will get to take four binding votes to either restore common sense on critical issues or maintain the radical status quo.

  • I-2066: Stop the gas ban. A YES vote would repeal the natural gas ban lawmakers squeaked through earlier this year and would restore energy choice in Washington.
  • 1-2109: Repeal the capital gains tax. A YES vote would repeal the capital gains tax that is the first step towards a broad-based income tax that all citizens will have to pay.
  • I-2117: Stop the hidden gas tax. A YES vote would repeal the unpopular and expense Carbon Tax , which has spiked gas prices and forced drivers here to pay amongst the highest gas prices in the country.
  • I-2124: Opt out of state-run long-term care coverage act. A YES vote would allow people to increase their take-home pay by opting out of this program, which offers meager benefits that are difficult to qualify for.

Let’s Go Washington has a handy resource page with more information on each of the initiatives Including their TV ads and educational videos that can be shared with others to learn more about these ballot initiatives


Opponents are deliberately trying to create confusion over these initiatives and how to vote. Remember, these votes are to repeal radical laws enacted by the legislature over the last couple of years. A YES vote on all the above would put more money back in your pocket, restore common sense to our state, and send a message to lawmakers that we have had enough!

Ballots are now being mailed to all registered voters and look like the image below:

Ballots can be returned beginning Friday, Oct. 18 and through election day, Nov. 5. A ballot must be postmarked by Nov. 5 in order to count.

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