Snohomish County

Everett City Council considering minimum wage increase which would top Seattle’s

Everett City Council considering minimum wage increase which would top Seattle’s

At a recent Everett City Council meeting, Councilmember Mary Fosse introduced legislation which would increase Everett’s minimum wage to up to $20.24/hour for local businesses. The City of Seattle’s current minimum wage is $19.97/hour and Washington State’s is $16.28/hour. Fosse’s proposal, if approved, would send the question of a minimum wage increase to the voters...

Introducing the “Real Solutions to Homelessness” Pledge

Introducing the “Real Solutions to Homelessness” Pledge

The progressive approaches of “housing first” and “harm reduction” are failing our communities. While taxes increase and hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on these ineffective programs, homelessness, overdose deaths, and drug-associated crime have been on the rise. To counter these harmful progressive approaches, 50+ local elected officials throughout Washington State have signed on...

Snohomish County updates: Meth contamination testing & property tax increases

Snohomish County updates: Meth contamination testing & property tax increases

Thank you for your continued engagement with Project 42 and Future 42 Snohomish County. Please see two important updates below on recent items of significance that we have weighed in on with hundreds of you contacting your elected officials to express your thoughts; your engagement is making a difference: SNOHOMISH COUNTY COUNCIL ADOPTS ORDINANCE TO...

Help protect Snohomish County: Support Ordinance #24-011 today

Help protect Snohomish County: Support Ordinance #24-011 today

Ordinance #24-011, mandating environmental testing for toxic drugs in county-owned homeless housing, is a crucial step toward ensuring the safety and well-being of residents, visitors and staff. The closure of multiple, county-owned facilities due to meth and fentanyl contamination serves as a stark warning of the risks posed by drug contamination. By implementing regular testing,...

Everett City Council considering tax increase while simultaneously increasing city expenses for taxpayers

Everett City Council considering tax increase while simultaneously increasing city expenses for taxpayers

At their April 24th and May 1st meetings, respectively, the Everett City Council will be discussing and taking action on a proposal to raise property taxes by over 5% through a ballot measure. This could raise over $13 million per year in an attempt to balance the city’s budget, which currently faces a deficit. This levy lid lift proposal is expected...

Snohomish natural gas ban resolution fails

Snohomish natural gas ban resolution fails

In a pushback response to State House Bill 1589, which recently passed the legislature and was signed into law by the Governor, a proposed Snohomish County Council Resolution 24–013 was introduced to oppose the natural gas ban and advocate support for affordable energy choices for all residents and businesses in Snohomish County.  Unfortunately and despite...

Support Affordable Energy for Snohomish County

Support Affordable Energy for Snohomish County

You may be aware Gov. Jay Inslee recently signed an extremely unpopular bill, HB 1589, effectively banning natural gas services provided by Puget Sound Energy. Not only will this overwhelm an already insufficient electric grid, it could also force families to spend tends of thousands of dollars to convert their homes away from natural gas...

Tell Snohomish County lawmakers to hold hearings on citizen-sponsored initiatives

Tell Snohomish County lawmakers to hold hearings on citizen-sponsored initiatives

Every legislative session has the potential to make history, but this year it’s already been done. And the credit goes to the over 800,000 citizens who signed one or more of the six initiatives to the legislature. It’s uncommon for any initiative to qualify; it’s unheard of for multiple to do so. A historic effort...

Everett City Council Set to Vote on Critical Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Law

Everett City Council Set to Vote on Critical Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Law

The Everett City Council will take action this week on an ordinance which would require mandatory minimum sentencing for repeat offenders of certain crimes, including public drug use. The vote will take place at the Everett City Council meeting this Wednesday, December 20th, at 6:30pm.  If the new law is adopted, Everett will follow the...