Budget & Spending

Washington lawmakers move to weaken the initiative process and repeal the Parental Notification Law

Washington lawmakers move to weaken the initiative process and repeal the Parental Notification Law

Washington Democrats are moving forward with two bills that undermine citizens’ influence over state policy. Senate Bill 5382 would impose new restrictions on the state’s initiative process, making it significantly harder for grassroots campaigns to place measures on the ballot. Meanwhile, Senate Bill 5181 seeks to repeal a recently enacted parental notification law— one that...

Washington’s education system is failing—but a solution is on the horizon

Washington’s education system is failing—but a solution is on the horizon

Washington’s education system is failing students, despite a dramatic increase in funding. 8th grade math scores have dropped, and 4th grade reading scores continue to decline, even though per-student spending has increased by 110% since 2013. Clearly, the status quo with your children’s education hasn’t worked. So, what if we could put parents in control instead? 30 other states are already doing this, many of them...

The fight over your wallet: Capping property tax increases, rent control, wealth tax, and the Jumpstart payroll tax

The fight over your wallet: Capping property tax increases, rent control, wealth tax, and the Jumpstart payroll tax

This legislative session that began this week has already seen four proposals that could hit Washingtonians right where it hurts: their wallets. With a $6.7 billion budget shortfall looming,  state legislative leaders are eyeing measures like raising the property tax cap, rent control, a wealth tax, and a statewide version of Seattle’s Jumpstart Payroll Tax....

New poll: Washingtonians advise governor, lawmakers on budget shortfall

New poll: Washingtonians advise governor, lawmakers on budget shortfall

New polling from Napolitan News Service released today provides an update on where Washington voters stand on potential tax increases, as lawmakers begin a legislative session and must decide how to address a $12 billion budget shortfall over the next several years. Some highlights from the poll include: Seventy-eight percent (78%) of voters believe that taxes in Washington...

Wall Street Journal: Inslee’s Last Tax Insult to Washington

Wall Street Journal: Inslee’s Last Tax Insult to Washington

Governor Inslee – who once said,  “I do not believe tax increases are the right path for the state of Washington” when he was running for governor in 2012 – has proposed a consequential tax on unrealized capital gains, a “wealth tax” as he and others are calling it, and it’s garnered national attention from...

Washingtonians in Seattle and two counties rise up to oppose tax hikes

Washingtonians in Seattle and two counties rise up to oppose tax hikes

Seemingly emboldened by the recent election results, some local elected officials in Seattle and in two of the largest counties in the state have been eager to propose and vote on various tax hikes before the end of the year. But they didn’t count on the response from constituents they’ve been seeing thanks to your...

Nehring: County exec’s property tax proposal poorly timed

Nehring: County exec’s property tax proposal poorly timed

This article was originally published in the Everett Daily Herald.   Last week’s election saw voters soundly reject tax increases proposed by the county and municipal governments throughout Snohomish County. With one exception, all local tax increases were rejected by voters. These are in addition to Everett voters’ rejection of a levy lid lift property...

2024 Election Recap: The fight continues on

2024 Election Recap: The fight continues on

Despite facing a billionaire and public sector union-funded opposition campaign that spent nearly 5 times as much as the YES campaign, the repeal on Washington’s natural gas ban appears on track for success, with 51.43% support as of votes reported by Nov. 7. This hard-won success joins three other powerful citizen-led initiatives passed into law...

Inslee’s parting gift: A pay raise for bureaucracy, a bill for taxpayers

Inslee’s parting gift: A pay raise for bureaucracy, a bill for taxpayers

While Inslee’s time in office has been defined by massive increases in government spending and increasing taxes and regulations, a cherry has been placed on top during his final days in office – massive pay increases for state employees and even potential pay increases for state lawmakers. After months of negotiations, and staged walkouts, the...

Election ballots arriving soon: Opportunity to continue year of historic change

Election ballots arriving soon: Opportunity to continue year of historic change

Largely spurred by seven citizen-led initiatives from Let’s Go Washington, voters in our state have made their voices heard and changed laws and policy outcomes in a way previously unheard of in Washington. During the legislative session, lawmakers were constitutionally obligated to act on the initiatives – by either making them law immediately or leaving...

The cost of Inslee’s legacy: Runaway spending and struggling taxpayers

The cost of Inslee’s legacy: Runaway spending and struggling taxpayers

As Governor Jay Inslee’s time in office draws to a close, another defining feature of his legacy has come into focus: runaway spending. Throughout his 12-year tenure, Inslee has consistently prioritized expanding the size of government to institute extreme policies over providing relief to the taxpayers who are increasingly struggling under the weight of inflation,...

Let’s not forget Inslee’s abuse of power, disregard for democracy

Let’s not forget Inslee’s abuse of power, disregard for democracy

As Governor Jay Inslee prepares to leave office in January, it’s a fitting time to reflect on his legacy. His actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, raise serious concerns about the precedent he set on wielding executive powers in Washington. For almost three years, Governor Inslee unilaterally dictated which businesses could remain open, imposed...

Washington’s $1.1 billion blunder: Audit uncovers massive mismanagement of federal COVID funds

Washington’s $1.1 billion blunder: Audit uncovers massive mismanagement of federal COVID funds

In a stunning revelation, a recent audit from the Washington State Auditor’s Office (SAO) has uncovered that Washington state agencies “mishandled” more than $1.1 billion in federal COVID-19 aid, as reported by The Center Square. Despite the significant mismanagement, the state’s response seems surprisingly nonchalant, portraying an attitude of “No worries! It’s not like they’re...

WSF problems entirely predictable – and avoidable

WSF problems entirely predictable – and avoidable

It’s no secret to anyone who’s had the pleasure of using the Washington State Ferry (WSF) system over the past several years that service and reliability have been sketchy, at best, and it seems to be rapidly deteriorating.  The Orcasonian reports there have been an incredible 1,145 ferry cancellations this summer, and that was as...