2024 Snohomish County Legislative Session Recap

2024 Snohomish County Legislative Session Recap

The 2024 Washington State legislative session included debate and action on several key bills affecting Snohomish County residents. This year was a “short session” of 60 days and was focused on policy bills as the Legislature does not adopt their biennial budget during even years. Some of the critical policies considered this legislative session included a ban on natural gas, statewide rent control, as well as six different citizen initiatives sponsored by Let’s Go Washington.

Below, you will find a recap detailing how our Snohomish County legislative delegation (8 Senators and 16 Representatives) voted on these key bills and whether or not their votes aligned with Future 42’s position. Future 42 supports policies related to tax relief, public safety, regulatory reductions, lower cost of living, and government accountability. Legislator votes noted by a checkmark were in alignment with the Future 42 position while legislator votes noted by an x were in opposition to the Future 42 position.

2024 Snohomish County Legislative Session Recap here or click the image below.

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